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- Stitch Words
Stitch Words
Photos, Concrete, & Scars
How about that “Stitch-Crashing-the- Field” Superbowl commercial! Hands down my favorite! Days later? I AM STITCH!

“Reminds Me of Ole Miss’s Rally Squirrel”
How so? I went for a run with friends at the Celis Run Club in downtown West Palm Beach Wednesday evening. It was so nice, I started snapping shots on my phone while running. Here’s a good one!

“Beautiful Sunset”
I saw a church steeple with the sunset colors behind it. I started to take a shot, then SLAM! I ran head-on, straight into a concrete pillar! I’ve never felt that kind of shocking pain before. Then there was blood. My friends and some really cool strangers gathered around to help. Some dude gave me this shirt to stop the prolific bleeding!

“It’s clean now, thank you!”
The ambulance and some amazing first responders came next. It turns out I was their third call of a “pedestrian running into something”, just on that shift.
It’s the phone, screamed my brother! I think he’s right. According to a Florida Attorney group, one pedestrian engaging with a smartphone is killed every two hours of every day. Plus, pedestrian/phone accidents have doubled in the last 7 years.
The doctors at Good Samaritan Hospital were awesome. Evan and Amber stitched me up. I have 12 stitches and a Harry Potter-like mark in the middle of my forehead. I’m not quite as cute as Stitch right now. But working on it. I’m on the mend from concussive symptoms and pain.
“Reactions (that’s my dad in the bag mask)”😆
“A steadfast team overcomes any stumble.”
I’m convinced that people make the difference! I’m definitely a head-in-the-clouds type personality with future vision. But, I’m also realizing that full awareness in the step-by-step process is just as important. I’m encouraged by Psalms 121 where it reads, “He will protect you now, and he’ll protect you forevermore!” It’s God that stitches our present to an unfathomably incredible future. Have this kind of encouragement this week! 😄