Unwrapped Words

Tacos, Teslas, & Linen

One of my favorite kitchen items is an antique rolling pin. It was my grandmother’s and dates back to the 18OO’s. The cool thing about a rolling pin is its ingenious shape. It’s a cylindrical instrument of expansion! The tool transforms the capacity of a singular ingredient (even if you take liberty in how you apply it)!

“Handling the Vanilla Wafers!”

You won’t, however, need a rolling pin for Samsung’s new phone concept. In 2025, you can scroll with your scroll! Rumor has it the tech company is going with a rollable phone design for 2025. Sources say the device will feature a large 12.4 inch display when fully unrolled.

How about unwrapping a new color for your Tesla? A fellow Ole Miss Journalism Alum is making millions selling DIY “wraps” that can be applied in your garage. A “wrap” is vinyl film for a vehicle that comes in thousands of custom colors. It’s an alternative to auto painting. Ji Hoon Heo, a college tennis star and entrepreneurial maven, has a huge YouTube following where he has numerous instructional videos.

“Acing EV Style”

There are no instructions on how to read hermetically sealed, charred scrolls from a volcanic explosion in AD 79.

But three 20-something tech students just figured it out.

The Herculaneum scrolls, burnt from the Mt. Vesuvius eruption, crumble into dust at any attempt to open them.

That’s why Dr. Brent Seales, and his University of Kentucky team, used CT scans to reveal the text inside. Still, the writing was indecipherable from the papyrus. The three students decided to create an AI model to unlock a solution.

It worked! The algorithm deciphered the lettering with pattern recognition.

Experts say the scrolls are a revolution in the Greek philosophy of the Epicureans. In fact, the first scroll wrote of an obsession with capers.

“Hidden Mysteries Unlocked” Photo Courtesy: BBC

Speaking of epicurean… Is there anything better than rolling a fresh, salt and lime seasoned taco? Michelin just awarded its first star in Mexico this year—to a taco stand! Taqueria El Califa de Leon is only about 100 square feet, has no tables, and serves its cuisine on plastic plates.

No matter. The Mexico City taco stand does its one thing superbly, according to Michelin inspectors. The options? Four different tacos: the bistec(seared steak), chuleta (thinly sliced pork chop), costilla (fork-tender beef), and gaonera (whole steak). The average cost per meal is 5 dollars.

Every time we grip something, we roll our hand around it. Every time we release, we open our palms. There are times for both in the mysteries of life. It’s the push and pull, the back and forth. We breathe in, we breath out. Every time we communicate, we open our scroll. Every time we reflect or listen, our scroll rolls the new in.


Sandra Shaw

”UNWRAP HIM AND LET HIM LOOSE.” I think this is one of the coolest, in the moment, commands of Jesus. He was speaking to his friend Lazarus. John 11 says, “Then, in front of everyone, Lazarus, who had died four days earlier, slowly hobbled out—he still had grave clothes tightly wrapped around his hands and feet and covering his face.”

Anything rolled or unrolled is one connected entity. It’s not broken or crushed (like my vanilla wafers). It’s connected. I’m convinced that the key to scrolling through the unknown, is the Spirit you are connected to. “From that day forward many of those who had come to visit Mary believed in Him, for they had seen with their own eyes this amazing miracle!”

Have a wonderful week! 💚 


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