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- Unbounded Words
Unbounded Words
Manuevering, rocketing, and imagining
💥 Airborne silvery scales highlight the vision board this week. Sunday my daughter and I fed the tarpon in Islamorada. We encountered the vanguard of aggressive fight! Every time a slice of bait went in the air, the prehistoric fish jumped as if propelled by dynamite! The silver kings torqued and inverted like F-18s on Cuban coffee 😵💫 It turns out the Megalops can jump up to 10 feet in the air! That’s more than the world high jump record…

“Agile Resilience”
💨 There’s an art to jumping skyward. One’s legs must generate more acceleration than gravity. Jumping defies downward forces. Can we jump higher in our mental sphere? There’s certainly no lack of toxicity in the world. When you jump you push down to elevate. It’s like you crush the negative and choose the positive. Jump to energize your highest mind!
😎 Joshua Dobbs combines jumping with jet propulsion. He’s a 3rd string back-up NFL quarterback. He moonlights as a rocket scientist! “The “Passtronaut” got traded to the Vikings just a couple weeks ago. Days later he scored two touchdowns. The last happened with just 22 seconds left. It launched the team to victory! The playbook absorbed easily compared to Dobbs’ work with Artemis. Dobbs says problem solving in aerospace engineering only makes him a better player. Who says you can’t be a scientist and an artist? or an artist and an athlete?! https://www.wsj.com/sports/football/joshua-dobbs-vikings-nfl-nasa-aerospace-engineering-85476be6
“Solutions spark when both parts of the brain talk to each other.”
😜 Imagine seeing a rat. That would jet me vertically! Now imagine that rat can imagine. It’s a thing. Scientists at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute discovered that rats have an imagination. Research indicated rodents visualize themselves in relation to places and things not right in front of them. Cue Remy from “Ratatouille.” It is almost Thanksgiving! https://phys.org/news/2023-11-rats.html?utm_source=nwletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=weekly-nwletter

“I Adopted a Land-Mine Detecting Rat!”
The three kids in my upcoming novel have a pet rat named Xerxes. He’s based on Africa’s Land-Mine Detecting Rats! https://apopo.org/herorats/?v=7516fd43adaa “SOLHUBOD” is set to release in 2024! I’ll be jumping for joy 😃
So will a Jennifer Hudson super-fan. Hudson has an awesome segment called Knock-Star on her show. You never know when you’ll see a familiar face. Stay tuned!

“Who’s there? :-)”
💖 Jump into the opportunities of the week. Leap over obstacles with imagination. Unify your right and left brain. Activate gratitude and spring into growth ❣️ Thanks for your time and words. 🫶