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Ready Words
Squirrels, Physics, & Serendipity
A Story for 2025:
Meet “Rally Squirrel”. He scored a touchdown for Ole Miss last Fall.

I buy my parents “RALLY SQUIRREL” tee-shirts for Christmas.

My friend Nancy sees a video of me crashing while ice skating. She decides to give me two Gator Bowl tickets (Ole Miss is playing)! We say YES!
I look across the row during the game and spy my COUSIN BERT from Atlanta! What are the chances?!
Serendipity? Perhaps. But…
I think that God orchestrates, and it’s up to you to get on board!
Soul shows up in spontaneity.”
It’s 2025 Rally time! ARE YOU READY? It’s a mix of open heart, daring spirit, and bold wisdom.
There is so much to be ready for. This week alone?
Jimmy Carter’s Celebration of Life (tomorrow):
“I have one life and one chance to make it count for something. I’m free to choose that something…My faith demands that I do whatever I can, wherever I can, whenever I can, for as long as I can.” (Jimmy Carter)
I LOVE what he did for Habitat for Humanity & how he was a nuclear physicist.
Starship Launch (set for Friday!)
College Football Playoffs Continue.
“The Word was first, the Word present to God, God present to the Word. The WORD was God, in READINESS for God from day one.” John 1:1-2
Stay connected, stay wise, stay ready! ❤️