Spark Words

Origins, Sling-shotting, & Helping


It all started out with a crazy hand shake, a bit of a dance, and an Usain Bolt pose...The trifecta and their aunt electrified a brainstorm that busted out something fresh: The original “SolHuBod” Club. SolHuBod stands for soul, human, body (but there’s more!) The aunt is me and the kids are my daughter and two nieces.

“Are you a SolHuBod?”

The Elder, (moi), couldn’t let it go. Fast forward to today and “SolHuBod”, the novel, is set in a dystopian 2049. Yet there’s hope! My fiction, embedded with truth, is up for preorder right now on Amazon. The paperback drops May 7th. The hardcover drops June 7th. I’d love for you to check it out 😊 

Here’s the Amazon Link:

I mean, it is National Library Week. I dream of this novel getting on storied shelves across the world and into the hands of many. Maybe you’re like, I never returned that library book from 2020. If so? Dystopian hope I say!😉 Case in point, the Worcester Public Library. They just wrapped up March Meowness. If you had a lost or damaged library item, all you had to do was show the librarians a cat picture!

Librarians know their stuff. There’s something about the nonchalance of a cat. For a writer like me, that got tested over three years. I love Cuban coffee and I love writing with ink. But then there was that time I couldn’t read my own chicken scratch?! I learned you have to stay with it regardless. Do-overs are a thing. I thought I’d mastered a good result first draft only to realize I needed 20,000 more words. Argh! Patience. Such is life. It’s a journey. Our own cat, Thunder, seemed to taunt at times.

“Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously!”

BUT! Give it some effort daily. Quick hack? Give yourself a slingshot into the next day. In the case of creating the novel, I’d scrawl out actions, characters, or concepts I planned to tackle. That way I felt like I already had stored velocity to energize the upcoming writing. I’m convinced this works with any project!





Momentum is the crescendo of consistency.”

Sandra Shaw

Yesterday I looked back at my stacks of notebooks from the drafting. Much of it is now pretty indecipherable. Thousands of years ago in the Middle East, there was certainly a complexity in writing styles. Semitic texts would run right to left. Greek texts would run from left to right. Yet it’s fascinating to me that a direction established itself. Words and actions flow. I love how Paul encourages in Hebrews.

“Clear the path for long distance runners so no one will trip and fall, so no one will step in a hole and sprain an ankle. Help each other out. And run for it!”

I’m convinced it doesn’t matter as much where you’re coming from, but how you move toward others. That sparks endurance! Gut it out, shuffle along, imagine you’re shock-breaking like Usain Bolt. Whatever it is, I’m jogging right here too. 💜 


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