Phenomenal Words

Stars, Flowers, & Humans


“Be good friends who love deeply; practice playing second fiddle.”

“What the heck is a fiddle?” Bible time with Jordan is always unique 😉 

“Ummmmm, it’s like a violin but more country.” I try.

That interact came back to me as I witnessed a natural phenomenon.

I was sitting on the sand/mud bank on a zoom call over spring break. Hundreds of crabs simultaneously danced out of their holes with one claw up. They had rhythm. They’d sway around a bit with their larger, right claw up in the air. Then they’d go back into their holes. Suddenly, they’d come out again. Were they hypnotizing me?! Turns out they were FIDDLER CRABS! That larger claw did kinda look like a fiddle.

How do you explain that kind of synchronization? It’s like an unseen director was calling the shots. I never got a photo because they were too elusive. Only when I was focused on my call would they perform.

“There’s an orchestra under that mud!”

“Phainein” is a Greek root of the word “phenomena.” It means to “bring light, to shine.” As it turns out, a ginormous shining stellar phenomena will burst forth visibly this year. The Coronae Borealis constellation lives 3000 light years away from Earth. It contains a semicircular arc of stars that resembles a crown. Among them, is an orbiting pair: a red giant and a white dwarf (TcrB). The white dwarf siphons off outer layers of energy from the red giant. That ignites an huge explosion that unleashes 100,000 times more energy than the sun in a year! NASA says this outburst will be visible for about a week with the naked eye. They predict it happens sometime between now and September.

“Eyes on the Skies: Comet after last week’s Eclipse” Photo: Ashley Harris

That’s not all. Death Valley is alive with carpets of blooming flowers! The hottest, lowest, and driest place in America has resurrected from its dusty brown, cracked landscape into a sea of color! Record rains since August are credited with triggering this flowering phenomenon.


Also in the desert over the weekend? A phenomenon of reunited energy! No Doubt busted out a Mach-10 level, eighty minute set for the first time in 12 years. Critics say Gwen Stefani and her Ska band performed with the same spunk and vigor that energized them through the nineties. Hey baby, hey baby, hey! That’s some kind of rare team fuel!

When you can kick and score outside the 18 yard box in soccer, you’re good. But with either foot? And your’re age 13? Phenom! McKenna Whitham is the youngest athlete to ever sign a Nike (name, image, and likeness ) deal. The California forward is a member of the U.S. under-15 youth national team.

I witnessed a spiritual phenomena Sunday. More than 300 gave an outward expression of what was happening in their inner soul through baptism. Phenomenon is actually defined as something observable and many times extraordinary. Intangible connections are illuminated. Water and earth, energy and stars, mind and muscles, music and arthropods, humans and each other? There is a beautiful light that eventually shines with interactions that connect on a harmonic level. The deeper the connection, the more transcendent the phenomena. I love the wonder of the universe.

But, back to that second-fiddle thing? I’m convinced there’s no greater phenomena than Love. Amazing things happen when we unite. It pulls all the mystery together and shines remarkably! “Don’t burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame.” (Romans 12:11)

Have a phenomenal week! 💓 



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