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- Gravity Words
Gravity Words
Rollin', Crystallizing, & Connecting
That’s the running title of a new children’s book. Jordan and I spun the tale over Spring Break while walking to the beach. She called me the pack mule. My cargo? A boogie board, a chair, a cooler, and a bag filled with towels, sunscreen, and books. The filly carried the football 🤣! Our imaginations had the pack mule mom going through numerous, crazy adventures with her varied cargo. But, little by little, she starts to stoop lower and forward. Eventually she’s just a ball doing a a somersault. Mom and loot succumbs to gravity! So what does tween colt do? (You’ll have to wait for us to publish 😉 )
“Carry all, Carry on!”
A potent Advil definitely would have come in handy last week. It turns out it may be possible to fight the side effects of gravity—with microgravity! Microgravity is the near weightlessness in space. Varda Space Industries is convinced that microgravity improves crystal formation. In drug manufacturing, improved crystal formation means more potent meds at lower doses. Varda plans to send at least two unmanned capsules into space this summer to test things further.
Further testing is certainly the talk in physics circles. Last week, the latest challenge to the existence of dark matter emerged. The running theory is that dark matter accounts for 85% of the matter of the cosmos. BUT IT’S INVISIBLE! Observing gravity is the only way physicists can even hypothesize about it. So is it just a magic pill? Professor Rajenda Gupta thinks so. He just published a huge study that negates the existence of dark matter. He points to other factors like light that loses energy as it interacts with objects in space.
I’m sure you can find more on the interstellar in the world’s largest reading room at the new Beijing City Library! https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#starred/FMfcgzGxSHdSFdXFCMmHKHClCwpSLBCN
“Comprehensive Arts”
I’m convinced that Love expands the universe. Alive words roll like thunder over waves. Light animates the decay of broken dreams.
“Heavy Stones Can Roll”
It’s Holy Week. The new Jim Caviezel movie sequel “The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection-Chapter 1” just started filming. It focuses on Biblical accounts of Jesus’ descent into the underworld after the crucifixion. As this week’s Baltimore disaster showed, bridges fall with gravity. Limitations of the natural bend with weight and force. There is tragedy in this fallen world. But is this all there is? What of the supernatural bridge of belief? What of Jesus choosing to absorb all the gravity of humanity’s fail toward death? Does dark matter have to exist? What if it’s really all about how we relate to light? “The Life-Light blazed out of the darkness; the darkness couldn’t put it out.” John 1:5 (msg)
Imagine yourself as a light switch. Love typically flips the switch on the expected push down from gravity.
“Lighten Gravity’s Weight”
When you love, you forgive the dude who stole your lunch in the company fridge. That’s flipping the light upward. When you love, you patiently listen or let somebody cut in front of you on I-95. That’s flipping on a yield light 😉 When you love, you call “Mayday”, like the crew of the Dali did (saving at least some in the tragedy). In the everyday I call that emergency help-line prayer. Even if you don’t believe, try asking God for help. See what happens. 💥 Light is ignited in intention. And, even if the electricity is out, is it really? Gravity is defied every time we breathe. The rise and fall of our lungs is a light design. It’s it’s own sort of resurrection, breath by breath, by design. 💗
Traverse the week with eternal wonder! 🤍