Inflation Words

Pizza, Wake-Ups, & Bears

Forget eggs, have you ever seen an inflated strawberry?

“King of the Patch”

Pizza is the worldwide king food. An estimated 2 billion people eat pizza once a month, making it the planet’s most popular dish.

Intriguingly, pizza has avoided financial inflation. Pizzas at Domino’s and Pizza Hut cost almost the same as they did in the ‘90s. How so? The chains have focused on volume. The more pizzas you sell, the less expensive they are to make.



For instance, if you have to limit your caffeine, what approach should you try to wake up? It turns out that simply shifting your senses, from taste to smell, can work!



Other issues may require a more avant-garde process. Case in point, a bee farmer dealing with bears constantly raiding his honey. He turned the furry thieves into taste testers! The farmer offered the bears different honey samples. That revealed the most “bear-preferred” honeys. The farmer refined his production.

“Beary Creative” @interestingpedia

“Intuition and audacity can alloy solutions.”

Sandra Shaw

When it comes to challenges, I’m convinced that it’s the approach that can unleash breakthrough. If something isn’t working, change your angle.

I even see this in Luke. Jesus reappears to his disciples on the beach. But they are so shocked, they can’t grasp that it’s really him. So what does he do? He asks for something to eat. He uses a concrete, shared human act to connect.

“Knowing that they were still wondering if He was real, Jesus said, ‘Here, let me show you. Give me something to eat.’ They handed him some broiled fish and some honeycomb and they watched him eat it.”

Confused, frustrated, freaked out by inflation? Don’t be. Let’s just think and innovate! Have a great week 😄 



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