Extreme Words

Monsoons, Viticulture, & Wombats


The unleashing of the skies made the day. The deluge downpours only flooded Ft. Lauderdale with passion. The some 200 thousand Florida Panther fans could care less about the crazed storms overhead. They captured the Stanley Cup for the first time in 30 years. The monsoon never had a chance against their victory reign!

“Photos Taken by a Drenched Meteorologist covering the Parade Live”

Some things thrive in harsh conditions. Scientists in China think they’ve discovered the perfect plant to live on Mars. It’s a type of desert moss that can live in temperatures minus 112 degrees F. The moss is also resistant to a barrage of radiation.

“Syntrichia caninervis”

Sometimes things taste better when exposed to extreme conditions. The one intense, oaky Barolo wine I sipped, still memorably lingers on my palate. The novel flavor comes from the cultivation of Nebbiolo grapes high in the Alps that elevate over Valtellina, Italy. The wines pull flavor from the roots of the rocky earth. This “natural minerality of expression” is inspiring new heights. An ancient winery plans to age a few new wines “at the summit.” Wines developed in the Alps near glaciers will now dwell in spaces in the Dolomite mountains. The bottles will be opened in 2026.

Photo Courtesy: Consiglio Manni


Sandra Shaw

British rapper M.I.A. believes that radio waves in the atmosphere are so extreme that we need to shield ourselves. She just developed a new clothing line that she claims protects from 5G dust. She says her silver ponchos will protect wearers from dangerous nanoparticles. The line is calle OHMNI. The clothes are made with pure copper nickel shielding fabric that deflects electromagnetic waves. The website reads: “OHMNI is your last frontier of preserving your privacy, autonomy, and rights to your body and data.” M.I.A. calls it the “armour of the modern knight” during a time when houses are a “digital battlefield.”

“Modern Technological Warfare”

Full confession, I’m a bit of a conspiracy theorist and would love to rock the style. I’m just not sure I’d wear the fashion during an extreme Tasmanian winter. The Australian country is even trying to amp up tourism by hiring a “WOMBAT WALKER”. The role includes waking up the marsupials each morning, feeding them snacks, and then taking them on a jaunt.

“Extremely Cute!”

What extremes do you thrive in? What are you so passionate about that no outside circumstances will disrupt your joy? How can we exploit this zone of focus to the more mundane tasks in life? How can we be less annoyed with crazy atmospheres? Do we fire up our extreme ideas like M.I.A.? Do we make an extreme hobby change like walking a wombat? Do we experiment with innovation like the summit wines of Valtellina?

LIFE IS FULL OF EXTREMES. How we navigate them relates to both our internal drive and our internal peace. I don’t think anything is more extreme than dying for someone who ignores you. Ironically, believing that Jesus did just that, gives me peace in extreme circumstances. It’s a supernatural overcoming. It’s LOVE.

Thank you for weathering extremes with me on these newsletter reads. Grateful for you!💜


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