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Miracles, Meteors, and Momentum
“HE FOUND HIM LAYING IN A TREE…like somebody placed him in this tree. All he had was a gash on the side of his face. It had to have been GOD.” Sydney Moore’s four month old survived the wrath of a tornado. E-F 3 winds ejected baby and father from their home in Tennessee Saturday. Mom and her newborn got tossed beneath a collapsed wall. She extricated safely after the winds died. That’s when she realized that her other son was nowhere to be found. Dad desperately tore through the wreckage before looking up. His son was resting safely in a tree!

LIVING MIRACLE! photo courtesy: https://www.fox17.com
💨 💫 💥 Ariel Meteors. That’s how Aristotle classified wind in his classic “Meterologica.” In Greek that means, “the discussion of high things.” The ancient philosopher called his discourse, “a treatise on celestial phenomena.” He classified all the different weather elements through a lens of vapors “rising up.” It wasn’t until 1590 that the word meteor was attached to a shooting star. It debuted in Shakespeare’s “Comedy of Errors.”

“Higher Things”
An estimated 120 meteors an hour will be flying by during the annual Geminid Shower. It peaks at 2AM, but the stunning flashes of white light will present as soon as 9PM. Visibility is global. A rock comet spawns the dusty trail of the streaks. Their path appears to generate from the constellation Gemini. Have you ever seen a meteor? I’ve caught a few! Check this one out!

“Surprise on an Early Morning Run”
Meteors are kind-of like natural fireworks. But higher things in Miami these days are higher scores. For the Dolphins! Forget the weather rollercoaster. They created their own end zone roller coaster dance! https://twitter.com/DavidFurones_/status/1731755618841628768 It’s gone viral along with various scoring celebrations (swag surfing, step line, and backflip with phone). The team tries to out-do themselves each time. Head coach Mike McDaniel even does a weekly film breakdown of the scoring antics. After Tuesday’s rare loss to the Titans, no telling what kind of resilience choreography is in the works for Sunday against the Jets!

😎 A score is worth dancing about! MIRACLES ARE WORTH CELEBRATING! Higher things are worth contemplating! GOD IS WORTH WORSHIPING! What changes when you fire up with fun? What does it reveal? I hope you collide with some surprises. Have a jubilant week!