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Time Words
Bulldog, Gold, & Musicality
A cookie monster piano just sounds different. The cutest stuffed animal has to be a bulldog. Who doesn’t want to rock a beret? And, there’s always a need for microscope slides! 🤣
I ran across some old letters to Santa from my childhood (props to my awesome parents for saving!). The letters were important to pen at the time. But, over time, the value of the writing has increased. It’s like of Christmas, Hanukkah, or a fine wine. The magic of the season ages with grace.

I also feel like that when I watch “Elf” every year. Or even “A Christmas Story” or “Miracle on 34th Street”. Nostalgia maybe just be a form of idealism, but I actually think it’s a way of humans trying to hold on to their best memories. By the way, “Mary” just started streaming on Netflix. Meanwhile, “Leonard Da Vinci” released just last month on PBS. I discovered an artistic juxtaposition of the two.

Da Vinci did several renderings of the “Star of Bethlehem” plant, as well as some of Galium Verum (the plant of the manger). Catholic legend has it that Joseph used this white-flowered weed for Mary’s bed. The story has it that the white flowers turned to gold when Jesus was born. I love Da Vinci’s integration of watery spirals and layers into his work. Da Vinci spoke of the “embedding of time in rocky topographies.”

“1st Century Manger Uncovered” @alexhimaya
That’s intriguing to me, because history indicates that many mangers (feeding troughs), were actually cut out of natural rock outcroppings. Metamorphic rocks change over time. But, so does wood. Acacia wood, the kind used for the Old Testament tabernacle, gets stronger and darker over time. Acacia trees grow South of the Dead Sea in Israel. Their umbrella shapes allow them to capture water and survive the desert. It’s like a root out of dry ground.

“Porphureos: Tyrian Purple”
My favorite example of this theme is Tyrian purple, the rare reddish-purple dye of the Phoenicians. It comes from Murex Snails. In Biblical times it was more valuable than gold. Amazingly, the purple color is enhanced with weathering and the sun. The sun makes it richer and more intense. May we all color our growth like this!
I think music does the same. Luke reads, “Then all at once, a vast number of glorious angels appeared, the very armies of heaven! And they praised God singing: ‘Glory to God in the highest realms of heaven! For there is peace and a good hope given to the sons of men.’” I wrote about this, in relation to time, in “Solhubod”.

“Solhubod” —Chapter 7
I’m convinced the Son, Jesus, changes everything. Like the deepening purple exposed to the sun, we deepen in our heart and soul as we seek Him. Stay open to the miraculous this week. 💜