Spy Words

Llamas, Cakes, & Ice

Fa lalalalaLLAMA! How are you? I got to hang with a Llama the other night at the Sandi Tree lighting. Her alias is Harmony (Sandi Tree’s friend), but her real name is Chanel. Mysterious!

Harmony/Chanel is quite alert and hyper-aware, a characteristic of the breed. But, at the same time she was undeterred by all the frenzy around her. Hmmm….maybe that’s why there are Llama Spies in Fortnite!

As you can see, Harmony/Chanel is also entranced with food. She pursues it quietly. Enter the “Shilla Bear Whisper”. That’s the name of a new, luxurious chocolate cake from a five star hotel in Seoul, South Korea. Bespoke cakes are competitive every Christmas. It takes a team of pastry chefs at least 24 hours to complete them. Observe the details!

In the espionage arena, hidden goes along with silent. That makes it all the more intriguing when something is unearthed. Case in point? That long abandoned Cold War era military base in Greenland, stuck beneath 100 feet of snow over the last 65 years. NASA stumbled upon it last week while testing a new radar instrument.

The base was a front. The supposed polar research facility actually housed “Project Ice Worm”. Its goal? To store and potentially launch a type of nuclear missile called the “IceMan”. It was programmed to travel through tunnels beneath the ice to target the Soviet Union.

The Soviet Union and Ukraine play a prominent role in the new Showtime spy thriller, “The Agency”. A key character is Brandon Martian. He’s a covert CIA agent who is abruptly sent from his undercover work in Africa for six years, back to London. At one point he’s traveling with a psychological profiler to pick up a defector. But, a disruptive call ensues. He calmly digests the information and informs his travel-mate of the change of plans. She asks why the change?

“OBE”, he answers.


“Overtaken by events.”

or “UDE: Unshaken Despite Events”

Do you have anxiety? Andrew Bustamante is a former CIA agent who now teaches how to use powerful spy skills every day. As it turns out, the CIA looks for people who struggle with anxiety. That’s because they they are exceptionally vigilant in assessing environments and quickly registering possible scenarios. The CIA simply trains them how to control their anxiety. When “OBE” hits, they can function with precision. Bustamante says it’s all about “shrinking the circle.”

Light alters time.”

Sandra Shaw

Light is both a particle and a wave. To shrink the circle, center on the particle. Bustamante has a practical way to do that. He says to GET QUIET. That doesn’t mean turning your brain off. Rather, it is an intentional practice, that becomes a force multiplier. According to Bustamante:

  • Set your timer and alarm for two minutes.

  • Close your eyes during this time.

  • Repeat as often as needed.

Bustamante contends that doing this throughout your day, will train your mind protect itself from distractions. Over time, you will get faster at entering the zone, that mental fortitude that overrides anxiety.

This is also Biblical. Psalms 46:10 declares, “Be still and know that I am God.” If you look at Jesus throughout this scriptures, He lives this out! Jesus’ practice reveals in his uncanny presence of mind.

In Luke 20, there’s a case of spies trying to entrap Jesus with the religious authorities. “…they sent spies who posed as honest inquirers, hoping to trick him…”

Jesus answers with authority and poise. Luke goes on to say, “Try as they might, they couldn’t trap him into saying anything incriminating. His answer caught them off guard and left them speechless.”

I’m convinced that God tethers us to wisdom and peace. I’m also convinced that we have to practice, through prayer and quiet. Master through the master. “OBE” may change your plans, but it doesn’t have to steal your mind. Have a calmly expectant week! ❤️ 


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